



MCP Resource Bundle Portlet

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Medals Medals Approved
Medals メダルコレクション Approved
Select a medal to view more detail Created
Select a medal to view more detail メダルをタップすると詳細を確認できます Approved
Collect medals as you complete prefectures. Your medals will be displayed by region, in the order you collect them. Created
Collect medals as you complete prefectures. Your medals will be displayed by region, in the order you collect them. 各都道府県のメダルを集めましょう!メダルは達成順に地域ごとに表示されます Approved
<%1$s> Something went wrong. We're working on it to get it fixed as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience. Approved
<%1$s> 更新中にエラーが発生しました。 Approved
Collected on %1$s Created
Collected on %1$s 達成日:%1$s Approved
kilometers km Approved
kilometers km Approved
Vitality Journey instagram page Bonus Approved
Vitality Journey instagram page 全国踏破達成 Approved